The Big Top is published quarterly as a publication of the Mid-Atlantic Clown Association (MACA) for the benefits of its members. The contents are the sole property of MACA and any reproduction, whole or in part, must have written permission from the Publisher/Editor.

The Big Top is published for the enjoyment and education of the MACA members. It is our policy to reserve the right to edit articles for content and also to refuse to print any negative statements or personal attacks toward any member, officer or volunteer, in or out of the MACA organization.

Article Guidance

Articles can be typed, hand written, or e-mailed. All items must include the following author information (where applicable): Name (+ clown & alley); Address (+ e-mail if you have one); Phone number; Written permission to use article if author is someone other than yourself. Pictures copy best if they are in color. For B & W, make sure they’re not to dark. Be sure to correctly identify the person(s) in each photo. Submit all articles to: Thom Stevenson, 3419 Northwind Rd, Parkville, MD 21234  or attach to email and send to